invent!ory ULTRA Help


Requisitions PLUS: Miscellany

Hiding an Item From "Q" Users


The online supply catalog is what "Q" users choose from when they submit a requistion. It is found in the blue section (right) and consists of all supply items on file.


Suppose you want to block certain items from the "Q" user. How would you do so?


Start by clicking the above button on the Req PLUS Main Menu.


Below, we selected the first row in the grid Stock Number A5555/01 and clicked the "Hide/Unhide" button (bottom). An "x" marks the item row as "hidden."  



The next time we "Submit a Requisition," A5555/01 does not appear in the list


To "unhide" A5555/01, simply select it again and click the Hide/Unhide button.



The "x" will be removed.


Deleting Filled Requisitions


We saw earlier how you could delete a row from OPEN requisitions. What about closed ones?


 Use the Delete Requisitions button on the Req Plus Main Menu.


Notice this grid contains both open and closed requisitions. A open equisition has a blank space (see below) in the Date Filled column of the grid while a closed one has a filled date inscribed.



To delete a row, simply select it and click "Delete" button (above).


Requisition Reports


This form is very similar to the interface in Chapter 5 Reports Reports and it behaves the same way.


Below, we select a report and view it by clicking the "OK" button.




Copyright 2007, Koehler Software, Inc.