invent!ory ULTRA Help






Sort Order Section 


There are two levels of sorting available for a report - Sort 1 and Sort 2. 


Sort 1 is what is call the Primary Sort key, which is also the key which is used for specifying a Scope min/max range for "filtering" a subset of records.


Sort 2 is a subsort within the Primary Sort Key.


For example, if you set Sort 1 = Catalog Group, then you might want to set Sort 2 = Item Name so that the each catalog group in the report is shown in alphabetical order.


Ascending/Descending options buttons. These option buttons set the listing order for each sort parameter.


For example, you may want the report records to appear in Ascending Catalog Group number order but in Descending Avg Unit Cost order to show the most expensive items first within each catalog group.


Note: In certain report formats, Sort 1 may be preset and "greyed out" so you cannot change it. This has to do with the mechanics of generating certain report such as the Usage By Dept report, in which the default sort 1 field must be "Department".



Scope Section 


The scope of a report refers to whether you want ALL the records in the database to appear in the report or just a certain subset of reco rds.


Range of Items. If you want a subset of records, then click the "Range of Items" option button in the Scope section. The Min and Max lines will "ungrey" and allow you to enter the range values. The range will extract the filtered records based on the "Min" and "Max" values for the Sort 1 variable


For example, here (left)  we are limiting the scope of the records to all supply items with an Avg Unit Cost of between $0 and $100 dollars.


Note that the Sort 1 variable "AVG UNIT COST" is shown next the Min and Max labels in the Scope section to remind you that you are filtering on Sort 1.







Note: If we wanted all items with $0 Avg Cost, then we set both the Min and Max values to 0.



Print Preview Window


The Print Preview window lets you see the report on the screen EXACTLY as it will appear when printed.


It also lets you send the report to a file for later printing or as an email attachment (you must save in Rich Text format from the Print Preview window for the email attachment).


Here (below), we have printed out Supplies Report filtered on the min/max range of $0 to $100 dollars for Avg Unit Cost  example from the previous page.



















Copyright 2007, Koehler Software, Inc.