invent!ory ULTRA 2013 Help


ReqPLUS: Approving Requisitions

In ULTRA, the default case is that no approval is needed for filling requisitions. 


Notice that in the FILL REQUISITIONS grid (right), the “App” column default value is zero.


However, some firms require that the DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR approve submitted requisitions BEFORE the Purchasing Manager may fill the requisition.


ULTRA has a system to permit this.



u   Check the “Approval req’d box in the SysAdmin “System Preferences”




If checked, a requisition must be  approved” before it may be filled. See Filling Open Requisitions and  Filling Special Orders


v For each “Q” department (“online requisitioning only” access rights), the SysAdmin must set up a Supervisor password  in the Misc1 field.



Above, for user #11 (Margie A. Jones), the password for her DEPT. SUPERVISOR  has been set to “baby”. 


w To sign on, Margie’s SUPERVISOR enters “S11” in the User # field and the password “baby”.


The “S” prefix tells ULTRA the DEPT.  SUPERVISOR  may only APPROVE or DISAPPROVE Margie’s requisitions. He may not add or change them.

x TO APPROVE Margie’s online requisitions, the DEPT. SUPERVISOR enters a “1” in the App colum or leaves the value at ZERO to DISAPPROVE.



y Below, only the three approved invoices will be filled.


Copyright 2013, Koehler Software, Inc.