invent!ory ULTRA 2013 Help


Supply Kits: What Are They?

A supply kit is just a Group ID Number that has many supply items assigned to it. Thus, many items can be logged out to one department with a single entry.


Contrast this with batch log out, where, if ten items are logged out to department AAA, you must fetch and log out ten different items.


The Benefit. The advantage of a KIT is that, with a single entry, you can log out all the assigned stock numbers to a department.  Kits are especially useful in the insurance industry.  Insurance companies operate in different states, each with its own insurance laws. Thus, they need to issue different policies depending on the state in which their branches operate.  Arkansas policies are different from Texas’s and so on.


But, each time the state law changes, the insurance company has to obsolete their old policies, applications and brochures and send out new ones.


So, the insurance company creates a separate KIT for LIFE INSURANCE for each State.  LIFE-100_AR may contain seven forms, brochures and applications for Arkansas, whereas LIFE-100_TX would require ten forms for Texas.






So, when the insurance company’s PURCHASING MANAGER needs to LOG OUT new forms to Arkansas, he only needs to call up the KIT LOAN 10 and log it out to each branch office in Arkansas.






 Setting up Supply Item Kits is easy. See  Ch11_AddingEditingDeleting Kits


Each branch will receive all the forms in the kit and be charged the average cost of each item in the kit.


We see below that 2 units of A1110 were logged out to department ARKANSAS. Notice the transaction code in the “!” column is “oK,” the “K” indicating it was a Kit log out and the “o” for “log out.”



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