invent!ory ULTRA 2013 Help


Adjust for Returned Items


Returned Items Function


SCL8 How do you "return" the excess items to stock and credit back Joe's department?

Don't fret! We've designed a foolproof method to handle returned items.



Let's say Joe’s department 90 ordered and was shipped 100 units of ENVELOPE MOTORBANK.


When Joe receives boxes and boxes of the item, he realizes he made a typo and only meant to order 10.


Joe returns the extra 90 units to you.


What do you do?


u Call up the supply item being returned.


v Click the Returned Items button.



w The blue Returned Items form appears over the Log In Grid (below). Just enter the returned units of 90 at the preinput average price  of $38.3972 and the returning department, 90.  Click Save.








The confirmation message (left) gives you a chance to abort.



Units On Hand increase by 90 to 6719.52 (below).




Now, check out the adjustment transaction added to the pink Log Out grid, (below).




The code "oR" stands for "log Out Returned." Notice that this transaction "credits back a positive number, $3,455.75 to  Dept 43.


The amount credited back is positive, unlike normal  negative log outs . At month end, this positive number will show up to offset the orginal


Note: If a department wants to "swap" one supply item for another, you should treat this as two separate transactions: a Returned Item and a new log out.


Copyright 2017, Koehler Software, Inc.